Humans depend on the environment, but also dramatically impact it, often in detrimental ways. Although most of our research labs have dimensions that focus on the human-environment linkages, the labs listed here adopt that perspective as one of the key defining elements of their research.
Dr. Stephen Powers
Dr. Powers is a limnologist/aquatic scientist who focuses on understanding the complexities of the human-environment systems. His work utilizes many approaches, including empirical studies and modeling. His lab uses biogeochemistry and ecosystems analyses to better understand the impacts of global change on surface water bodies and their watersheds. He is particularly interested in long-term and large-scale studies that evaluate the numerous linkages in the ‘food-energy-water nexus.’
Dr. Ryan McManamay
Dr. McManamay is a spatial ecologist and focuses his research on the interface of the human-environment systems. His lab seeks to provide data and ideas to better balance the needs of society while protecting ecological systems. He is keenly interested in understanding how anthropogenic changes to the landscape have impacted aquatic ecosystems and how we could minimize the negative impacts to build sustainable cities for the future. His lab utilizes a diversity of filed, lab and modeling approaches at varying spatial and temporal scales to understand these systems.